one month old milk intake

how much milk shld a one month old baby drinks? mine keeps asking for more after drinking 90ml in e previous hr.

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Milk intake for every baby is different as the growth pace and metabolism for every baby is different. I would suggest increase the milk quantity gradually and keep monitoring your baby's response to that :)

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First month 60-90ml :) You can increase to 90ml every two hour. On 2nd month inwards increase 10ml weekly. As Long not more than 150ml. Not all babies stomach capacity is same. Follow your lo’s cue :)

not all babies the same. mine 1. 5month now still stuck at 60mls 2hrly during the day, 3hrly at night. rarely she will ask for more, even so she will only drink 20mls more

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Every baby has different intake. You can try increasing 5ml first to see how your baby is taking it.

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Diff baby diff. Mine 1 month 120ml 2 hourly

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It goes by your baby's weight