How much attention does a 7 month old baby need? I don't wanna overdo it.

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I don't understand how can you give too much attention to your child. At 7 months, your child would be very active and will require you to "layan" him alot! My 6 months isn't even crawling but is so active that he constantly needs someone to watch over him. Plus, he is at a fun stage and can response so much better to me now so it's fun. Sometimes if I look at my phone a little too long, I'd suddenly see him doing something totally different! Like one day, he was lying face up on his mat gnawing on his ball.. just few minutes when I wasn't looking, he somehow managed to grab his wetwipes and happily stuffing it inside his mouth! (they were clean, don't worry) So I'll say give your child all your attention! He NEEDS it :)

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Hmmm. I don't see why a parent would limit the amount of attention given to a baby. We're talking about a baby here! Babies need all the attention they can get! Attention gives them security, that they're not alone, there's someone there to take care of them; paying them attention teaches them how to communicate with others; and attention assures them that they're loved, period.

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In don't really get the question. I think that you don't want to spoil her/him 😂 For the attention amount I don't presume that there is a limit, but take in mind that a 7 months baby can already move around and grab things so you have to prepare everything in your home for this change. They are very smart, they see and listen even if we think that they're too small to understand.

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How can u say u overdo attention to ur child? It can never be too much don’t u think?

I believe that a child of any age should have all your attention we are their first teachers

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For me, when it comes to my baby there’s no overdo. I will give my full attention.

Smiles I have a 6months plus and he's so clingy. I don't know what to do as well

we must attend our child carefully till he attains age 3