My baby gets all giggly and excited upon hearing and watching a certain ABC song and he's consistent in expressing that emotion whenever the song is played. He's turning 5 months tomorrow. I wanna know if this is a normal response for a 5-month-old, or does he have a good memory/attention?

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I read that babies tend to remember things instinctively if you keep repeating the action or the word. Studies have shown that babies in the womb recognise and remember voices and sounds even after they come into this world, especially if they find the voice or sound pleasing, for example the voice of their parents. Since the ABC song makes your baby happy, then it's no surprise that he remembers it

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Kids are very drawn to colors and songs, which may be one reason he's all giddy and excited upon watching the ABC song. Most probably if this has been a routine, he may have been able to remember it and recall that this habit is making him all happy.

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