Travel On Plane When Pregnant

How many time did u travel on plane

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Once! Travelled when I was only coming to 2nd trimester at 12 weeks! That is after getting a travel’s note from my gynae. :)

Once during my second trimester for a baby moon. Totally worth it, good to relax and de stress.

Super Mom

Once. There’s quite a lot of radiation, so try not to do it too much.

Super Mom

I travelled once, second trimester is the best time to travel

Thành viên VIP

0. if u wan to fly, better to wait to 2nd trimester..

Thành viên VIP

I planning to travel soon during my 2nd trimester.

Thành viên VIP

Not at all. My gynae doesn’t allow me to travel.

Thành viên VIP

Once .. while going to moms place before delivery

Once. And miscarriage. Then no no for second pregnancy

5y trước

11 weeks going to 12weeks

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2x. First time at 18 weeks 2nd at 29 weeks.