
How many months later can I go gym after baby is born?

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Thành viên VIP

Depends how you delivered. For normal, so long as your stitches have healed. For c-sect, like myself, my gynae advised not to go for a year. If you really wanna exercise, you can do simple ones that do not put pressure on your core.

Depending on whether u delivered by natural birth or c-sect, your gynae can best advise u based on your health condition.

Thành viên VIP

If it natural should be a month? But depend on how fast your wound heal. Consult the gynae on the first post visit

Thành viên VIP

I think it's 12 weeks for c-sect and earlier for normal delivery with doctor's approval of course.

I think your gynae can advise you best on that as your body needs healing

Thành viên VIP

After three months should be fine but do check with your gynae as well

Thành viên VIP

better to ask ur gynae..