9 Replies

Sounds better than mine! She sleeps about 10 hours at night (but she wakes up every 2 hours). As long as baby is not fussy and cranky should be enough. As for naps it really depends. Sometimes she has 3 naps of about 20 mins each. Sometimes 2 naps of 1 hour each but rare. And when she feels like it she can have 2 short naps and 1 super long 3 hr nap. I would say she chooses to sleep less when she knows I've a deadline to meet. Haha. She will tend to sleep longer if I nap with her or just sit beside her doing my stuff. It will also help if I have the air con on and curtains drawn. What an extravagant lifestyle! :)

Hi Stephanie, May I ask you how many months is your daughter, because my LO is same as yours, she is 5 months olds and she sleeps not much . Does your princess getting any better with her sleep? I hope she is.

For infants in general, the total number of sleep they need to have in a day is 20 hours on the average. It decreases as they increase their age. You may refer to the chart posted by Stephanie. No need worry whether it's a long sleep or a nap as long as they complete their sleeping hours, that should be fine.

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Yes, it is normal according to this article. They sleep around 11 hours a night with 2 nap times. http://sg.theasianparent.com/baby-sleep-how-much-sleep-does-your-infant-need/

Hi Brooke I think your little one is doing good :) In fact mine had trouble sleeping and i was always worried they were sleeping way less than was required.

Yes 2 to 3 hours nap is normal. Sometimes baby will have short naps in daytime and when they are ready they will consolidate their naps into 1 or 2 times.

It varies for different babies. My son naps 3 times during the day for about 15 to 30minutes. At night, he wakes up every 3 to 4 hours for feeds.
