
How do you manage/reduce bloat during pregnancy? I'm in week 6 and the bloating has been really bad :(

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Im like this everyday til now! I'm already week 13 yet I feel so sick uncomfortable everyday. Either bloated or pain. I got pass motion everyday but still bloated. Frankly speaking I just had bad mood everyday n eat very little if very bloat. Cos is like nobody can help us. Also not sure when will this end.

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I understand. I also very sian everyday. Yes is everyday. I moan or cry or nag about it. I just can't enjoy my pregnancy. Mouth sour whole day and bloated really puts me off. At night I'm worst. Sometime with headache and heavy as well.

Try taking small meals instead of normal quantity. And keep hydrated. Also, dont lie down right after meal.

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Talk to your gynae about it. I was on meds throughout the first trimester

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People said to eat smaller meals but more often

Try changing diet