How long does ur husband spent time with kids everyday? And wat does he do?

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I just realised i must be so fortunate, my husband plays with the boys every single day. He brushes their teeth, shower them, wash their poo, plays with them, and WOW, as I'm typing this I'm wondering when was the last time i appreciated his involvement?! Oh Boy I'm such a bad mom and wife.

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My husband plays toys with my son. Many times he role plays with our 3 year old. Lego role playing, play doh.

After work and weekends. He's very hands on, bathe, feed, cook, play, and im very thankful for that.

mine will spend time with my kids mainly on weekends. basically he just be with them and play with them

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i give a maximum of 5mins and he gives up. What he does? wrestle

he will spend time with my boy after work & on weekends.

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About 1 hour or less.. Play amd chat lo..