
How long does it takes to recover after child birth? And how long later I can shower as pernormal?

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In Chinese belief new mothers are not supposed to take bath until full month, unless it’s herbal bath (as normal shower water would make mother prone to cold, rheumatic, and other health problems due to weak immune system). However not taking bath at all isn’t good as well, will have higher chance for infections as your body turning into premium habitat for germs in the time when your immune system is at the weakest. If your family is into Chinese confinement, getting herbal bath is the best option.

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For us Malays, we shower as per normal with warm water or herbal bath everyday for hygiene purposes. Once I was given the A-OK to start walking after birth (6 hrs after natural birth), I will immediately shower cos I hate the sticky feeling on my body. Different bodies takes different time to recover. For me it was atleast 3-4 weeks but normally it takes 6-8 weeks to totally recover from post partum.

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Thành viên VIP

I recover within 2 weeks. my bleeding stopped at 1 week and by the time 2 weeks... the stitches healed and everything was ok. I shower right away after birth thou but not recommended. own preference

Hi, recovering from childbirth might take upto a year. Check this article out for more info -

I showered herbal bath after i discharged from the hospital and alternate days if not i will use warm water to clean up my body and dry it quickly.

herbal bath during confinement. May starts normal bath at least 4 weeks after delivery. Body to full recovery may takes several months.

Took me two weeks to shower as per normal but only warm water and one month to fully recover 😊

Thành viên VIP

You can shower right away. But best is to go with herbal bath

Thành viên VIP

takes at least 4 weeks to recover.

2 weeks for me