Hospitalisation plan for babies

How important is it to get hospitalisation plan/insurance for babies? My LO is 5 months old. Should i start now? Or wait till she is older?

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Hi dear, It’s definitely very important to get insurance for your child as early as possible. I’ve gotten my son covered on the first week he was born. I didn’t want to risk anything especially if anything happens and he needs to be hospitalised. My friend’s daughter had to be hospitalized at 4 months for stomach flu and lucky for her she had insurance. Insurance coverage you can think about : 1)Life insurance 2)Hospitalisation 3)Personal accident Good luck!

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4y trước

Thank you :)

Take it asap. I took AIA maternity insurance which I transferred to baby upon birth. Took up hospitalisation and accident policies for him too. Start early, premium will be lower.

4y trước

Thank you for the useful advice.

Thành viên VIP

Yes, hospitalisation plan mus be asap. Usually 14 days after (with Pink health) your child was born needa get it already

4y trước

Thank you for the reply :)

Influencer của TAP

yes pls get insurance coverage asap, i bought mine when she was 2 weeks old.

4y trước

Thank you

Influencer của TAP

hospitalisation plan is important, get it ASAP 😊

4y trước

Thank you for the reply :)

Super Mom

For hospitalisation, I recommend asap

4y trước

Thank you for the reply :)

Super Mom

It is important to get it ASAP.

4y trước

Thank you for the reply :) Hope your daughter has fully recovered.

Influencer của TAP

I bought for my baby at 1mo

4y trước

Thank you for the reply :)

Thành viên VIP

start as soon as you can

4y trước

Thank you for the reply :)

Thành viên VIP

start now.

4y trước

Thank you for the sharing :)