knowing if pregnant or not

How will i know within 2 weeks that im preg or not without testing myself? Will i see any signs?

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Super Mom

Within 2 weeks, you will not know through any signs. Depending on the length of your menstrual cycle, the test will most probably also not give you an accurate answer within 2 weeks, unless your cycles are very short. Some mummies have no pregnancy symptoms at all during the third trimester, and the first obvious sign is the baby bump in the 2nd trimester. The best option to find out at the earliest date is to take a pregnancy test a few days after you miss your period. Even if that is negative, wait a few more days, and if your period still doesn’t come, take the test again. Hope you’ll get your answer soon...

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Thành viên VIP

Use the test kit for affirmation but sometimes some women experience nausea or generally sick feeling. If you have regular menstrual cycle then another sure way is if you missed your cycle this month. I knew I was pregnant when I wanted to eat weird combo of young mango with chilli padi+soya

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Thành viên VIP

Only if you have missed your period n tested positive Or you have morning sickness; vomiting etc (depends) Best is get a preg test or do a blood test

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Super Mom

Usually symptoms don’t come so early or you may not have any symptoms. Why leave it to guesses when a testing kit can give u a clear answer?

Influencer của TAP

Symptoms will come around 6 weeks, like headache and nausea. Is better to test early using the kit rather than to guess and suspect.

Thành viên VIP

I rmb I was very tired initially and understood why when I tested positive. :)

Why don’t you wanna self test first? Qoo10 has cheap ones under a dollar

Hey, Initially it is best to do pregnancy test at home

Missed period and also use a pregnancy test kit

pregnancy test is the best way to know