16 Replies

Hi dear, you are not alone. During my confinement period, I was feeling very down & lousy because of many reasons. I had low supply of BM, I am always hungry, I had issues with my MIL. I kept kept crying in the toilet. Men will never undertand. Same here, I talked to my husband about it but he couldn't understand. He kept asking me to rest more, relax. But thats not what I wanted from him. I needed more support from him. I kept talking/venting out to my girl friends & on this app itself. Go for a walk, take a breather if you can. Don't be afraid to seek medicial help.

VIP Member

Try talking to someone if possible. Visit a doctor to check if you really have depression. 2 years ago I found out I have mild depression when I told the doctor about my symptoms, I was shocked because I didn’t expect it to be depression? I was having insomnia, loss of appetite, migraine and of coz weight loss, but I recovered really quickly though :) Do find time to relax and love yourself. I hope you will be ok soon. Take care!

Super Mum

Maybe you would want to tell him the reason why u are upset directly rather than waiting for him to “Guess”. Maybe he feels that u are overwhelmed by the baby hence he already offer help. But he didn’t realise it’s your emotional feeling that he has overlooked. You are doing a good job and you need to relax. Take slow deep breath when anxiety strikes and speak to ur hubby bout it ok?

Super Mum

Does sounds like symptoms of pnd to me. It's difficult for your hubby to understand your feelings since he's not experiencing it himself. If you can find a psychiatrist or counsellor, why not bring your hubby along to a session? It will help him understand better what you're going through. Hope you will get through this soon.

Hey, I can understand your situation and please do not be too hard on yourself. Having a baby changes a lot of things in your life. Do talk your heart out to your loved ones as it will really help you relax. Also, do consider consulting an expert about this.

It could be not resolved due to lack of proper support system especially since you feel a lack of empathy from your husband. If you feel you can't cope with this, I think you should seek professional help to prevent it from getting worse. All the best ❤️

Yes, probably that’s what you’re experiencing. Do seek counselling or help of support groups as your hubby is not a professional so of cos he won’t know how to handle.

Same. My husband also not understanding... I cry every night also. But always think for my child and after 2-3months i getting better... I understand how you feel also.

VIP Member

Do seek professional help asap and don't let this drag on for too long.. In the meantime do talk to a close friend or family members. It'll help, take good care!

Yes... and It's great that you are aware of your own emotions and took the impt first step to reach out! It is definitely very common.so do talk to a professional soon. :))

I am so sorry you are experiencing this. Could it be a lack of sleep? Any chance of taking annual leave and spend time with yourself to recuperate?

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