7 Replies

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Usually, exercise should be avoided during the first six to eight weeks, to avoid any strain and facilitate the healing of the post C section wound. If one is keen on it, a very light exercise should be initiated and that too after four to six weeks of a C section.

VIP Member

Me too... But I've started some light cardio since week 4. Ideally should be week 6. But u haven't visit my gynae to confirm :(

Me too. Gave birth in jan but coz of wuhan, my appt got pushed till may. So long. Kindda depressing

VIP Member

Once u got comfortable with scar u didn’t felt any discomfort means u can start

VIP Member

The doctor will check if you are healed already. Can start at 3 mos I think

Is better to check with ur gynae to confirm.

At least after 6 week check up with gynar


6 months light exercise

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