have time for your hubby

How do you manage having 3 kids, a full time job and yet still have time for your hubby? I am so tired after a long day's work and just settling my kids at the end of the day. Any tips?

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You could get a part time helper to lighten the house chores if you don't want a stay in domestic helper. How about scheduling a date night for your husband? Leave the children with their grandparents or a neighbour and have dinner together. I only have one child, but my husband and I sneak out to the nearby mall frequently. It's not much of a date, but at least it's couple time.

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If you feel overwhelm, you should seek help from close family members to take care of kids for certain days or engage a maid to ease your burden and at the same time have personal time with your husband. It's not worth to scarify couple time as husband-wife relationship is the foundation of a happy family.

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We were 3 brothers in one house! Difficult to give personal time if you are in full time job. Having a domestic help will certainly help. Also involve their dad to help out in daily chores. Don't know their ages, but consider boarding schools when the time is right.

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ask your husband to share the responsibility of settling your kids. (then he would be more tired, and you would be less tired since u need to do less, so whatever energy he has left can match yours, adjust until it's balanced)

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Breathe! Do you have enough house help at home? I personally loved the advice on this article: http://sg.theasianparent.com/tech-mothersmums-who-rule-the-tech-world/

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Sounds busy!! Just got to make time .. when e kids are asleep?


You don't. 3 kids are a handful