When do you find the time to have sex when you have more than 2 young kids, each less than 2 yrs gap? We co-sleep with kids in the same room but on separate beds. Husband comes home from work about 8pm and try to get things started but kids are awake and I have so much to do. By the time kids fall asleep, husband is snoring away, tired from work and resting for next day of work. On weekends, husband gets so horny and I said to wait till night time after kids are asleep eventhough i am turned on, but it never happens as kids sleep so late. It has been weeks since we had good sex.

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My case was also sleeping seperately but same room with husband when my son was younger. I latch son to sleep first and if husband not asleep then we will have sex. If he sleep late we will distract him with mobile phone at one side and we discreetly have a quickie. We also used to have morning quickie when I was working night shift. I came home very tired in the morning but he happened to be in a mood LOL. We also used to placed our son to my MIL house for an hour for more privacy as well.

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Maybe you can enlist the help of your family members (in laws, parents, siblings) or close friends to watch over the children on of the of weekend nights? That would free up a whole night of much needed intimacy. With your free night, you can either have a romantic night in or book a nice hotel room and have an overnight staycation, away from the hustle and bustle of realities.

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How about having the kids go to their grandparent's home for a sleepover, or even just a couple of hours, and you and your hubby enjoy some alone time? Also, you can consider transiting your children to having their own room if they are old enough, a longer-term approach if that is an option you would consider.

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need u to make sure the kids are exhausted by letting them take lesser sugar.. maybe try cooking beer battered fish and chips for them or Mix alittle red wine in ribenna.. hahaha!! joking... my son took alittle of my beer and slept soundly and early that night...

Lol Terence sounds like a plan.. Definitely not ideal then again not all of us have family to help of can afford external help. Its a minority group howevet its real. Im one of them. And sex, OMG morning sex??! Lol

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You may want to get someone to help look after the kids whilst you and your husband go for date nights. It maybe worth considering having a ad-hoc nanny. Staycations are a good way of getting away from the city.

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Probably get someone to care for the kids? 3hours is also a good time for a hot and furious sex! Usually my husband and i does it in the morning before we prep for work. A fast one!

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Give kids something to do together in a room like playing toys or watching a VCD while u and hubby have a quick sex in another room.... remember to lock the door:)

Once hubby was so horny we actually had sex before he went to work.