How to deal with Mommy Guilt and how to overcome it?

You shouldn't feel guilty for wanting to better provide for your child. We live in a day and age where money speaks volumes (unfortunately) and it is inevitable that traditional mothering roles of staying at home for the family is not as practical as before. On the flipside, you should also not feel guilty for loving your job, wanting alone time with your husband sans the kids or simply wanting a vacation. The definition of motherhood has evolved over the centuries. Don't feel guilty, celebrate that you are amazing for wanting it all - family, career, self fulfilment etc - and working hard for all of them!
Read moreI think there is no escaping mummy guilt because mothers always feel that they are not doing enough (despite doing their best!). Recognize and remind yourself that you are only human (and not superhuman...) and that you need (and deserve) your me-time. When you are taking a break, try to enjoy it so as not to "waste it". I would say, if you are having Mummy Guilt, you are only guilty of expecting too much from yourself, and that your child/children have an awesome mum. :)
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if u know u r at ur best, soon u will turn that guilt into a push factor to make you and your kids happier