Those who stop breastfeeding in less than a month BY CHOICE, can u share ur experience?

Can baby adapt well to FM? Is baby healthy? Is baby hitting milestones? How do u deal with guilt/judgement? Do u regret your choice?

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Started fm since birth. Altho i do abit of mixed feed the first few days. But gave up. I even went to a&e to ask for medication to stop supply. He’s on full fm. He’s now 13 months, healthy, reaching all milestones, babbles alot, can say few words, can walk, has teeth etc I dont even care about people judging cause i prioritise my mental health more. My husband was also glad i decided to go full fm cause way easier, dont need to thinj about pump etc. i also can spend more time with my bb, bonding. I can also sleep thru the night cause my husband does the night feeding till now. Bm or fm, its still milk that baby needs. If i were to give birth again, i will choose 100% fm.

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I've only breastfed for 4.5 months.. at the start he was on mixed feed - 75% bm and 25% fm.. stopped as I was going back to work and find it hard to keep up with the pump schedules.. I do feel guilty for stopping so early since my friends around me mostly persisted for a year at least.. I would say fed is best and tbh I feel like I get more sleep, get to spend more time with my bb when I can and don't have to stress over keeping to pump schedules and finding places to pump. My baby is 2 years old now and he is reaching all his milestones.. I'm expecting my no. 2 and as much as I'll try to breastfeed him for as much as I can, I'll not stress too much on that.. fed is best!

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Breastfed for 6 months. By far the most challenging and consuming thing I’ve ever done. More so than giving birth haha. Started sending baby to infant care at 6 months old and within 3 days, she caught stomach flu and PD advised to switch to lactose free formula milk. The fatigue and stress of taking care of her meant I didn’t pump as often as we fed her so supply naturally dipped, drastically in fact. Felt abit sad and guilty but felt liberated too. I’ve never been so free hahaha and feeding outside is now a breeze! Compared to the past when I have to hurriedly find a nursing room or spot to nurse or pump. and no more having to tolerate disgusting nursing rooms!

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4mo trước

Cont’d. Oh, if you’re thinking of weaning, might want to consider taking sunflower lecithin to prevent engorgement. I had mastitis twice and it’s horrendous so that helped me a lot.

my first baby, a daughter is now is 3 years old. Only feed her BF for a week as my supply was low and continued giving her FM ( friso ) all the way up till now. She is a brilliant little girl all of her milestones are great no issues. For my 2nd born, a boy, who is now 2 , BF him for 6 months and decided to stop due to my mental health. There will be guilt feeling but you do whats best for you and your baby. Gave him similac FM and he achieved great milestones too and healthy! All is well. Take care of yourself first and you will be a healthy version of yourself for your kids. Ignore people's judgement thats the best

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I can share some of my experience as my baby is fully FM fed (with bits of BM as I couldn’t produce much). Baby been hitting milestones and is healthy. I have had a lot of guilt, blaming myself. But ultimately, fed is best. As for judgement, I didn’t really care about what others say behind me. It’s your baby, your choice. This is only the first of the many judgements in the future when it comes to your child. People will judge you for ANY DECISIONS you made anyway. We can’t please everyone. We only have to be accountable for our own kid and ourselves.

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I am currently in my 2nd trimester and have decide to stick with FM all the way after baby is born. Both my hubby and I grew up with FM anyway. Yes I do get judgement here and there, mental health being is very important so do not worry about anything. You know what you want the best for yourself and the bb :)

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For my first, I bf for 2 months and stopped. No regrets. Still growing well! Children tends to fall sick anyways. My sister’s kids were fully bf for a year but fell sick more often my child! So for my 2nd, I didn’t even start bf. Straight give fm. I am so much happier!! Happy mummy, happy baby :)

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my first fully formula since birth, 2nd fully breastfeed for 2years. but for my 2nd if she fall sick will be very bad till hospitalised 😅 My 1st has never neeeded the hospital. for mental wise, i'd do formula. for money wise, only if latching & not pumping then breastfeeding 😂😂

Why won’t baby be healthy? You do know that bm is not a guarantee of anything. A lot of us grew up drinking only fm. Mom guilt is real. But I believe it’s because of the social media nowadays. It’s unnecessary. You have bigger things to worry about later in life.

Fed is best! Take care of your mental health first. Don’t get bothered by what other people have to say. Only a happy mommy will have a happy baby!