1 month confinement

How critical is it to follow 1 month confinement? Did any mummies not do confinement? What was your experience like?

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For me, right away after delivery, I go Bath. In islam, we called as mandi wiladah (bath after deliver a baby). This is wajib to do for every Muslim women. N then start confinement at home like bertungku (I did myself), berurut with bidan (3 days), always wear bengkung, Wear socks, avoid oily food, avoid spicy food, drink milo (milkbooster) and drink a lot of plain water. Always put some hot cream on your stomach before putting a bengkung, should help kempiskan your tummy hehe. N before eat also, wear bengkung first. So that u won't eat much hehe. If u got jahit bawah/ceaser. Please eat lot of sunkist orange. It will help pulihkan your luka. That's all what I did.

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2y trước

alahai kenapa baru perasan komen ni. soryy. mandi wiladah sama je macam mandi wajib sis. cuma niat je yang membezakan mandi tu mandi apa. tapi yang pasti lepas je kita dah bersalin, dah tak pening2 kan.. dah ready utk tukar next pad lepas bersalin tu, haa tu la first kita mandi wiladah. ya Allah sory sgt lepas 2 tahun baru perasan komen