Dirty hands

How do you all advised/tell your in law to was their hands before touching baby. I dislike it when my FIL always eat peanut and he just go and touch my son without washing his hands. Feel so annoyed about it!

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Super Mom

Just tell them. Don't think they will mind. If not place many sanitisers around the house so they won't forget. Plus I would always sanitise/wash my hands before I touch my baby so they will follow

Let ur hubby do the talking! My mil too! She covered her mouth while coughing but uses the same hand to touch my daughter! I freaked out and immediately sanitize my girl in front of the inlaws.

6y trước

I use wet tissue and lifebuoy sanitizer! When we are back home, i literally bath her from head to toe immediately. 🤣

Thành viên VIP

Make a rule that everybody touch the baby need to sterilize their hands. Bring it with you and pass to them when they want to carry your baby

Thành viên VIP

Keep a hand gel around the baby whenever someone comes to pick the baby ask them to use it first. I have seen a lot of new mothers do that

6y trước

Wow! I think I am gonna get a sanitizer. He always mop and the mop using the same hands to touch my LO. I got freak out but dare not express myself. But I couldn’t take it idk how

I have sanitizers at various areas at home, I just inform my family members matter-of-factly

I'd usually ask my husband but also get sanitisers and alcohol all-over your house

Hi, Best would be to tell your husband to talk to the in-laws politely about this

Super Mom

I instructed everyone esp my in laws family and my dad. As my dad smokes too.

Thành viên VIP

Please get your hubby to talk to his parents nicely

Thành viên VIP

Best to ask your husband to tell his parents