Hi,I would like to get some feedback if u feel sending your child to a student care centre is better than leaving him/her at home with maid/grandparents...

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This question is very relative and depends on many factors. Here are some influencing decisions: 1. Parents are much older and may not be able to give as good care (interm of playing with the child. 2. Opportunity cost of grandparents time. 3. No reputable student care centre near child home/school 4. Distance to grandparents home 5. Kid does not get a chance to visit grandparents over the weekends due to schedule (so this might be the only way for grandparents and kids to bond)...

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I vote for student care. The reasons being in student care the child able to get rest and there are teachers to coach them on homework while at home grandparents or maid are unable to coach them. Since the child has completed homework and revision in student care, the parents can bond with the child after work instead of coaching them. In addition student care do offer excursion and outings for students to bond and learn leadership skills which are beneficial for the child.

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To me, yes. Even if the caregiver at home can teach the child academics, the child still misses out on social bonding with peers his age. Majority of the children who are left at home with grandparents usually end up watching cartoons to while away their time. More so for domestic helpers as they have their main chores to complete as on top of baby care.

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I also agree with Diana. Sending the child to student care will be a better option. I believe the child will be able to benefit more from the student care rather than being at home. The child will be better guided in student care and able to bond more with kids around their age.

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