Hi my 1 year old has not pooed for 3 days. Any suggestions to help him poo soon?

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My boy don't like vegetables and fruits too so he also easily constipated. I tried give fruit juice like orange juice etc but he took a sip and don't want to take a second sip. Until 16months he still refuses alot of fruits. I tried giving water too but he won't take much. So I added a small amount of glucose grape powder into his water and he drinks more. Also I change his milk formula to dumex which helps too maybe less heart. If not every 3 days he will s*** and cry for a long time.

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Give him apple juice and Set him on the toilet and then have him lean forward while holding on and have his legs more apart then closed and then tell him to push (rub his tummy in clock way motion and when he starts to push..help him by pushing on his tummy for help) then break an breath. ...(repeat).. My 1 year old daughter has bowl problems and that was the only thing that helped her poop and get it out.... Hope that helps if you try it.

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I think all the above suggestions are pretty good. In addition, u can also bring baby to yu guo tcm at kambangan plaza if it pops up often. If u do, wkday afternoons are the best to go as it's slightly less crowded. Evenings and wkends the waiting time can be 2hrs. Get well soon :) many mums also continue to bring their kids there for general wellness massage too - to rebalance the body

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You can feed some probiotics to your baby to improve his digestive system. BioGaia has probiotics suitable for young babies. Also, do help baby to massage his tummy to ease the constipation. You can refer to this sample video on how to do the massage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWFg0ODAQvE

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You could try giving him diluted prune juice (25% juice, 75% water) to ease his constipation. 5 'P's - Peaches, Prunes, Papaya, Pears and Prunes - these fruit help to ease constipation along with adequate fluid intake. http://sg.theasianparent.com/is-my-toddler-constipated/

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Soak dry grapes(raisins) in water for over night and give only the water in the morning.. practice this once in week or twice regularly

Prune juice po. Effective for my twins. Got it from robinson supermarket costs P220

give him boiled carrots nd apples nd mango shake
