Hi mums, any suggestions on how to clear my rashes on my pregnancy belly? Has anyone experienced something like this. Doctor said it will go away after pregnancy . :(

Yikes! Looks like PUPPP (Pruritic Urticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy) -- a polymorphic eruption which results in an itchy, bumpy rash that starts in the stretch marks of the abdomen in the last 3 months of pregnancy. Like your doctor says, it will clear up after delivery. According to: http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/whose-body/skin-rashy.aspx You can try the following home remedies: - Taking an oatmeal or baking soda bath. - Applying cold compresses (and have your partner refresh them often). - Using aloe vera gel after you shower. - Wearing soft cotton clothes (and gloves if you’re a scratcher).
Read moreI had rashes this but not as serious as shown in the picture. What I did is to avoid using hot water to bath and use calendula cream to soothe the itch and avoid scratching it. It disappear after 1-2days. Also, try to avoid wearing tight clothes/pant.
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