Hi everyone, is this rashes on my baby face? And is it normal , it will go away on itself?

Newborn Babies do tend to have different types of rashes. Some of these go away on their own over a couple of weeks and some longer. Some also cause discomfort to the LO so there are some remedies that you can try to manage it. My LO had eczema which roughly started like that. What I did was wipe her face after every feed and then moisturise. Moisturising is important as wiping with water causes the bumps to dry up and crack, which in turn can lead to infections.
Read moreMy baby also had rashes they call it neonatal acne. It will go off for a few weeks. Just make sure to wipe the face every after feeding cuz it might cause some milk rash. What i did was i washed the face wif cetaphil for babies twice a day. And try not to kiss ur cute lil one first.
Don't worry, all my 3 kids got the same thing.. it'll go away(: btw, when did u give birth? Mine's on CNY. Via e-csect😪 sbb more than 24hours and baby pusing😭
How old is your baby? The shape reminded me of my baby rashes that caused by his pacifier. It always fall to one side of the face when sleep inside swing cot
Hi... please apply a thin layer of aloe Vera gel on the spot. It should go away in a couple of days. If not, please bring your child to see a doctor
My kid had it too, it went away on its own in a few days. If not, please consult your doctor
Common but if u see doctor, doctor may give steroid cream only if serious case.
Ya, mine too. I rub jasmine flower. The enzynes inside will work. It helped me
Its neonatal acne don’t worry it wil go away on its own
Should go away on its own
Mommy of 3 soon to be 4