Hi everyone, does anyone have any experience hiring a foreign domestic worker directly from the Philippines? I have gotten MOM approval and have the In-Principle Approval as well as the insurance and bond. The problem is getting my fdw out from their country. The embassy says that I must use an accredited agency to do a direct hire. We are trying to avoid a hefty loan on my potential helper's side so we aren't going through any agency. Any advice? Seems like their immigration is very strict now. Getting into Singapore is no problem; it's getting out of Philippines.

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Actually it's the same problem I'm facing right now! But I go through my agent...and that is a challenge alr! She is still stuck in Philippines! Heard their immigration changed law so v strict now. Sigh I'm sorry I can't be of help! I'm due in mid-June but can feel baby coming soon...starting to panic as I'm not getting any confinement lady just relying on this new help to do most chore for me....I'm expecting my no. 2. Anxious!

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This is true; the Philippine Overseas Employment Agency has stricter rules now - that includes engaging an agency and mandatory training and seminar in the Philippines prior departure. No choice now but to look for the cheapest accredited agency you can find. The approach to have the fdw come here as tourist does not work anymore...(which was how I got my helper here)

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