Pain under my right rib
Help! Firstly I'm 26weeks pregnant. I have been having on & off pain on my right rib for about few weeks. The pain felt after I eat. I googled and I read that my signs and symptoms are link to gall bladder stones. Do any mom-to-be had this experience before??

This happened to me too. I checked with my gynae and was told it's most probably baby pushing up against my ribs or due to muscle being stretched. The pain lasted on and off till I delivered and then it was gone. Suggest you check with your gynae too.
I had this. But my pain is related to baby kicking or moving too close to my rib. I did yoga focusing on stretching my ribcage and frequently iced the area and the pain was gone
I had tightness n pain below my ribs also, especially after i eat. I have gallbladder stones. I think its just bloating. Maybe u can try to taking smaller meals.. it helps.
Best to consult your gynaecologist asap take care!
Hi, Best to check with your gynae asap for this