Diapers type

Helloooo experienced mamas, FTM here. My baby is 8mo, approximately 8~8.2KG. She’s wearing Huggies Naturemade size M tape and occasionally Merries size M pants (Samples).. So I’m finishing all my diapers soon and I can’t decide what to buy 😓 It’s very hard to change her now so I’m considering pants for day time and tape for night. Should I stock up the pants or the tape ones? 😭 #pleasehelp #1stimemom *Not interested to try other brands.*

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i use Huggies tape and pants too! i only use pants in the day and tape at night as from my experience, he always leaks the bed when he wears pants overnight. tape has better absorption imo

From my experience Ill buy pants because it is easy, tear the side and wear it like undies. And yes I use both brand before but after that I change to Merrier pants for my child.

3y trước

I’ll buy the pants then, thanks for the advise! ☺️

I heard before tape has better absorption compared to pants. I usually use tape at night and pants in day time.