Any healthy food can help kids to gain weight? For 1 yr old kid

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Hi, You can give your baby mashed banana, potato on regular basis. You can now give him cottage cheese, minced chicken, yogurt, grinded nuts. Ragi, also known as finger millet is very good for weight gain in children. It can be given as a porridge and also made into a chapati. Peanut butter is another thing that you can give to your baby. You can spread it on bread. You can also give eggs to your child. First start with egg yolk and slowly start with egg white as you would know that the child is not having any allergy. Sweet potatoes, avocados, almonds, breastfeed/formula milk/full cream milk etc., all can help in weight gain in toddlers.

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My good friend's daughter was told to gain better weight too. Sometimes is is not the food we give them, it is also the timing and the way we feed them.My friend shared with me what the nutritionist advised her. Sometimes it is better to let baby try to self feed. In the process of learning to self feed they will start to have more interest in food and explore more taste. Milk needs to be cut down to about 650ml( her gal is 16 mo) Need to give three meals a day. Because my friend's daughter has milk at about 5-6am so she has no appetite for breakfast so they must start to drop the 6am milk feed or drink lesser milk. As for foods to gain weight, go for proteins like eggs, chicken, avocado, sweet potato, banana, cheese

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