apples at 7 months- must it be cooked?

Have started my LO on solids. From what I understand certain fruits like apples and pears need to be cooked ie steam before serving when they are < 12 months old- is this true or can they eat them "raw" and blended?

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Super Mom

Think there might be a higher chance of allergic reactions to raw fruits (due to pollen allergy?) than cooked ones. Also, the texture of raw and cooked fruits are quite different. I started with cooked apple/pear, then gradually changed it to raw as baby got older. That said, I started my LO on rock melon, papaya, banana, grapes, etc before the age of 1

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4y trước

But if he has no allergic reaction, then you can actually continue if you want:)

Thành viên VIP

Apples are a choking hazard! Please steam it until its soft before giving your baby. Really ripe and soft pears can be given as finger food

4y trước

Ya that's what I read also online. Thanks!

I will steam the apples first even now . LO is 14 months and he really enjoy apple sauce

Thành viên VIP

Best to steam the fruits for now...

Influencer của TAP

😲 I feed raw 🍎🍐

Influencer của TAP

Steam before giving

I gv raw