8 Replies

I used to go on adventures with my Dad and brothers when I was young, my earliest memory when I was 3 years old. We'd disappear for a few days to go on hikes, camping trips, exploration days at some of Singapore's offshore islands and those were some of the happiest memories of my childhood. Looking back on it, knowing how busy my Dad was with his work, the memories are indeed sweeter. I'd love for my man to do the same thing with our future children. He grew up in the countryside, playing in forests, riding horses etc as opposed to my city upbringing. He can take the kids on adventures and being the city girl that I am, it is perfectly fine if I stayed home haha.

I think it is absolutely essential for Dads to take trips alone with their kids, and it is even better if it is focussed on an activity. My husband and daughter love s staycation when they spend time swimming and watching TV. A friend of mine took his 4-year old daughter alone to a family wedding in another city, as his wife was at home with their 2-week old baby. They had such a wonderful time together. A more adventurous friend took his 2-year old son to Spain for a hiking trip on his own! A trip together is one of the strongest bonding experiences.

VIP Member

Not promoting anything here but the importance of the daddy-toddler bonding: http://sg.theasianparent.com/daddy-toddler-bonding-through-play-my-gym-singapore/ I'd love if my hubby will take our daughter for a trip for at least a day - I would feel I got the best partner in the world (haven't I? Hmm. Haha!) if that happens. Baby grows so fast that you'll regret you didn't spend even a single quality and memorable lone day with him/her for sure and bond. So go! Push it! ;)

I say, do it! :) You'll never get those tender years back. I saw this last year and the story really stuck with me. http://kickerdaily.com/fathers-love-man-sells-house-company-travel-the-world-with-his-daughter/ The title says it all but the pictures are worth a thousand words (and tears!)

Hey, I completely support taking a trip with your child alone. Be aware, mummy will be likely opposed to this idea. And I can understand her. Start with a day trip without leaving the country or maybe a staycation. That will gain her trust that you are up for the challenge.

Starting with a day trip is an awesome idea!!

As a mom I'm tempted to say no no no! But I do think it's a great way for daddy and the kid to bond. Just make sure your wife writes down key things for you to remember. I think staycation is a good idea to give you an idea of whether you and the baby are ready for a holiday alone!

My wife agreed immediately withOUT any hesitation. LOL. Am starting plans small.. just a 2D1N to legoland, and we'll see how the next time... :P new set of doubts: how do I do the big in toilet? How do I tie her hair? .... shall figure it out when it comes!

VIP Member

I would love for hubby to take baby for a 2 day 1 night bonding trip when she's a little older - say 2. It would be a great way for them to build a bond sans me! ;)