VBAC membrane sweep

My gynae told me she’s gonna do a membrane sweep for me next fri (at 37 weeks) to allow my body to go into natural labour as for vbac it’s not advisable to induce due to risk of rupture. She said i may or may not go into labour...so we have 3 weeks to play around to allow my body to go into labour & if it doesn’t may need emergency csect. To all vbac mummies....have u all done this before & did you all go into labour soon after that? I know every body reacts differently but just wanna know those who hv experienced it! And is it usually done abt 37 weeks? Fyi my first was a csect as baby breeched..planned for 39 weeks but had emergency one done on 37 weeks as water level low. So my body has not experienced being into labour! Thanks in advance!

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i did membrane sweep at 38weeks and was informed 1cm dilated. now im 39weeks and 4days but still no sign of labour. im trying for vbac too but right now i fear i might be csec too. doctor will induce me on 29th dec. hoping for miracle.