18 Replies

VIP Member

If the experienced and professional doc can only confirm 50% now then I don't think the commoners could know better 😀 You seem excited for baby boy. I dearly wish docs give you your preferred news on your next visit. I know how exciting it is 😊 But a friendly advice to be mentally prepared for otherwise as well. All the best to you 😊

VIP Member

I can't see the bird lol. Sidetrack, the lil one is lying very comfortably in there. So cute.

VIP Member

It looks like a boy cause has something between the legs..

cannot tell. better to wait for the next scan.

how u guys can see 🙈 is it the ball ? 🤣


good to review at next scan 💕

VIP Member

it looks like a boy to me.😂

Congrats mummy, it's a boy (:

Looks like boy!

looks like boy

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