My girl just started going to child care this week. She cries badly when I'm not there. Even when I go back to pick her up, her eyes are all red and puffy. On her second day I let her wear my watch to calm her down. But the teacher asked me to removed it, my girl cried when I tried to remove it so I told the teacher to just let my girl hold it. What are some of the things you will leave with your child at CC to assure her that mummy is coming back to pick her up?

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Yes Kimchi, whole year, till the extend that he wake up only. He will hide under the blanket saying school close. It was very traumatic. 2 weeks pretty normal la.

8y trước

Wow one whole year?! This is the longest that I have heard. But it's good that he is more settled now right? My girl's grandma thought of pulling her out from CC already but the daddy definitely don't wish for that.