My daughter cannot adapt to Infant Care

Hi Mummies, may I ask any tips if your baby sent to infant care and can settle down. As my daughter 6 months now sent to infant care one week still cries very fierce I felt really sad and painful see her crying after so many hours when I come and pick her up. Now is half day pick her up. Scared extend to full day even worse. Any tips that your baby sent to infant care and settle soon and well. Hope you can share with me. Thanks!

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Sorry to hear that. Can I ask what the teachers do to help your baby feels better?

11mo trước

The teachers recommend half day first. Like 3 hours. Then slowly extend half hour or one hour each or two weeks slowly for her to get use to the infant care environment. When my baby cries. Teacher called me to come pick her up. One time cry very firece pick up. One time doesn't drink me call me to pick up in advance.