5 Replies

I got 6 bottles as most of them are from pregnancy goodie bags. I think it’s ok to have 2 milk bottles at the moment and buy when you can tell which brand your baby prefer. In the end I changed all to avent as it’s really better for my baby. If you can latch baby directly even better or if you are intending to pump, most breast pumps include 2 bottles.

when my baby was first born, I alrdy had about 5-6 avent bottles, all free gifts from buying baby stuff 🤭now baby 7mo, we come to realise 8 bottles is a good number as we are lazy to wash after each use. usually wash all together at the end of the day.

Both pregnancy I only bought Philip Avent x 2 bottles. When they start drinking more then Ill add in additional bottle of different ml. This will also include the different teats sold separately.

I only used 4 each time since birth till 17mo (now). For now, enough. Cause you don’t know if baby can accept the bottles or not. Buy only when you confirm baby is okay with the bottles.


i also recalled 2 philip avent newborn bottles sufficient for me at the beginning

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