is food processor necessary?

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I was told can just use normal blender, or use masher to mash after steaming... But having toiled in a stuffy kitchen for like 30 minutes and struggling to scrap pears (n other fruits) or trying to blend some leafy veg, i was v glad i finally took out my steamer blender to use. Now my kid has teeth and i still use it to steam & blend baby spinach, make pasta sauce etc.

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Influencer của TAP

It's very convenient for me when preparing food for my baby. You can check out my post!

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Hey, It really depends on person to person but with food processor it really becomes quick and easy

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Not really but it’s depends .. I hv not used it , I just boil or steam n blended baby food

not really what u need is just a really good hand blender easy to wash and maintain

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Not a necessity but more of a convenience for mummy

No, not really. Too troublesome to wash

Super Mom

Not necessary but convenient to have

Not necessary. But very convenient

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it can be convenient for some ppl