Infant pillow

First time mum here and have been reading mixed reviews on infant pillows to prevent flat head syndrome. What are your thoughts into that? Are the pillows necessary?

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I didn't use any pillow because I read that it is best to keep the cot as empty as possible to prevent accidents. When she sleeps, she tends to turn her head to one side anyway, so that kinda prevented the flat head?

Best not to use any pillow. I didn't use tt pillow and my baby didn't have tt flat head problem. Don't let baby lie down too much esp aft 1 month. When he/she's not sleeping, do tummy time or carry him.

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i only let my girl to sleep on pillow when she has blocked or congested nose, but after she fell asleep i removed the pillow.

I dun use any pillow for newborn . Only introduced it at 1 year old

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Recommend to use pillow aftr 2yrs old, read from some articles

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not used 💕