When can we start putting a pillow behind our LOs heads when they sleep? Are there any pillows that can help prevent flat head?

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I don’t think it’s safe to let baby sleep on a pillow when they are small. Risk of suffocation. But during the day when there’s people around supervising, then i think it’s ok. You can try this donut pillow. There’s a dent in the pillow for baby’s head, so can help prevent flat head. It’s latex and with all the small small holes in the pillow, it promotes air circulation also. So babies won’t sweat while lying on it. https://welovesupermom.com/products/bd0018-sofzsleep-donut-pillow-pillow-cover-worth-1890-when-you-preorder

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It is not recommended to use a pillow for babies under the age of 2. Even older kids don't need pillows. Some parents find that their children sleep better with pillows when there is congestion, but the pillows can be placed under the mattress to create an incline instead of directly below the child's head. If you really want to, opt for a firm pillow instead of a soft one. Babysafe is a popular brand. http://www.babycenter.com/404_when-can-my-child-sleep-with-a-pillow_7533.bc

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I introduced pillow to my boy when he is 3 months old, when he is able to lift his head up and do tummy time. He seems to sleep better with pillow. I personally think that it will be safer to introduce pillow when baby can lift his head up during tummy time to reduce the risk of suffocation. At 3 months old, baby can turn his head left and right so flat head shouldn't be a concern.

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There is no suggested age to introduce a pillow to your baby. General guide seemed to be after 12 months (at least) to reduce the risk of suffocation, and to choose one that is firm. Here's a great link that highlights points to looks out for when choosing a pillow for your baby: http://parent.guide/how-to-choose-the-best-toddler-pillow-for-your-child/

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It's locally practiced to use a baby pillow really early. But internationally it is seriously not recommended. Babies under 12 months shouldn't sleep with pillows, stuffed toys, or other soft objects. They can pose an asphyxiation hazard and are complete SID Hazards. So - drop the pillow, blanket and anything else in newborn babies bed pls.

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We used Clevamama Clevasleep+ to our daughter from birth til 6 months. We felt it’s good as she didn’t have flat head as well as minimise colic and discomfort.

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once LO begins turning,flat head will be gone....if LO is still too young to turn,you can can already start using it...well i did that with mine

I used once baby is home from hospital. There are pillows with curve in the middle to prevent flathead. We are using the babysafe brand.

Pillows are not recommended for children below the age of 2. Kids that small can easily suffocate while sleeping on a pillow.