Feels so alone on this feeding and weaning journey .. Baby is 6.5 months old.. Past 1 week I've been trying to prepare fruit and veggie purees to feed him .. But he swallow some and some will be pushed out of his mouth .. Jus now try to feed him carrot cod fish porridge , after a few mouthfuls , he started to cry and refuse .. I thought once they start solids they will open their mouth, gum the food and swallow but apparently it is not .. More difficult than I imagine .. Spent so much time to prepare the food but end up some on his bib and floor and he probably only ate 10%.. Quite disheartened.. And feels I'm very clueless on how to go on with this weaning process.. Am I the only one with baby so difficult to feed? Everyone's baby will open their mouth, receive the food in their mouth and swallow then next mouthful again ? Or what I'm experiencing is normal in weaning and feeding ? Any advice will be good too as I'm a first time mom with no help :(

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