8 Các câu trả lời

Same here.. I cant sleep without ac on.. Even my husb cant withstand the cold while sleeping.. But i dun even cover myself with blanket while sleeping.. 😂😂

1st trimester sy sebijik mcm tu. muka ni tiap msa rsa nk berpeluh. mlm2 mgg x lena. kipas pun x rasa. alhamdulillah skrg dh msuk 2nd trimester 😍

Congrats ^0^ may our pregnancy goes well

Me ^0^ hahaha even I wasnt able to bear AC cold before pregnant but now, cant bear without AC hahahaha

yesssssssss! so relatable. consume banyak mineral water. it would help to turn down the heat.

VIP Member

Same like me during my pregnancy 😅

VIP Member

Yes. Hot everyday every night.

Same hereeee!


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