
Just feel like ranting here... MIL told me to try not to let baby cry for so long at night as neighbour complain. I wonder which baby doesn’t cry? Baby normally cry without reason even after trying to comfort in all ways. Last time when their baby are crying and now they always making so much noise from morning to night we also didn’t complain, what rights do they have to complain? Seriously, already so annoyed with baby’s cry and then they just use mouth to talk like I’m not even trying ? you think taking care of baby alone is so easy??

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Aww i know how you feel. My mom told me the other day our neighbour actually passed a sacarstic remark on her about my baby crying. Don’t mind whatever pple say. Babies cry as a form of communicating to us. As long as we are attending to them, they will eventually soothe themselves and stop crying. My baby will always cry before sleep. Its more like a series of scream and shout. Its not as if we never attend to him. Sometimes when pple say this kind of things to me, i can’t help but to answer them back, “as if i love to hear my baby cry. We don’t even want him to cry.” Hang in there mommy! Just focus on your baby!

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Influencer của TAP

You should reply ‘I didn’t know of a baby that doesn’t cry… so can I bring to you when bb cry maybe I can’t handle well! You must b a great mum back in the days’. Some ppl just wanna bash you, hack care. Life goes on with or without them on earth as your neighbour. They gonna complain for a very long time! Haha

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Having the exact same problem here. Except when baby doesn’t cry when with my mil she give me the look like idk how to take care of my own baby and always want to control everything and also talk behind my back with her daughter. Then will suggest me obvious things like I stupid like that

Just ignore them mommy, when their family have kids that cry and scream all day and night even after being 10 years old, it's your turn to mock them.

Super Mom

Ignore. Nothing much you can do. Hang in there!

Influencer của TAP

Just ignore them

just ignore...

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just ignore

Just ignore