A chef who cleans up after his/her cooking. I can live with an otherwise messy home if my food is good and kitchen is clean
expert house cleaner duhhhhh who wants to cleanup the mess after a professional chef cooks... NOT MEEEE
House cleaner since I only in the mood to cook when my kitchen is clean and my house is tidy 😆
Professional chef, house cleaner cheaper to hire I feel, I can do it also. But I really can’t cook.
I want a professional chef please!!! I have a helper . so ya! I want good food! haha
house cleaner please! then I can concentrate on cooking yummy meals for my family.
professional chef because we don't have issues with a messy home as much.
professional chef bcoz cleaning is easy but cooking is not my passion.
Expert house cleaner for sure! Can always dabao good food!
expert house cleaner - i got one at home now!