Is It Safe To Travel On 10 W

Hi everyone I am new here It's my 10W pregnancy and I have to fly back to Indonesia. I didn't meet my doctor yet. But I booked tickets already :(

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It depends on individual’s body and if is your first pregnancy. Usually if there are no complications, it should be fine. Best to check with your gynaecologist.

6y trước

Thank you for the advice. It's my first Pregnancy I hope everything OK. Thanks :(

Sure! The only problem is nausea haha. Altho it will be bettrr to see a gynae just to get the confirmation that you are safe to travel

6y trước

Yes.. That's what I think also. I am thinking how to handle it in the airplane:(. I hate smells also. I stay at home mostly and never go out. I am afraid of the smells from outside. :( I feel so suffer. But I booked my ticket already because I really want to go home so my family can take care of me. My husband busy working here and I am craving some food :( Thanks for your advice

Thành viên VIP

During my first trimester my gynae adviced me not to fly. Unless it is a must fly else just stay until 2nd trimester for safe:)

Thành viên VIP

seel advise as everyone is different.. i travel thru out my pregnancy . but need gynae approval

6y trước

Hi.. The doctor allowed me to travel before to Maldives on 3w. Now I just want to go to Indonesia maybe 1 h flight. But I just booked my ticket. I didn't ask doctor yet :(

You can. Only if you knw how to handle your morning sickness.

Is better to seek advise from ur gynae

Super Mom

You can seek advise from your gynae.

Check with gynea