Solution to pregnancy constipation

Hi everyone, I am now in week 10. In the early days, i was having constipation no matter how much water I drank or fruits I ate. I tried different methods and found a solution that works for me - morning wheat cereal (eg weetbix) with milk and fruits, at night before bed probiotics pill. Now my bowel movement is back to pre-pregnancy. Sharing if anyone else has similar issues.

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Currently at 13weeks +, been constipating for a while. 2 small marigold tubs of yogurt n a few servings of fruits(banana, apple, etc) helps. milk doesn't help much.

Milk and yogurt seems to work best for me. I’m at week 6 though. But experience constipation since week 4.

hi mummy! my doctor prescribed me with duphalac and it helped me a lot. take care!

Thanks for sharing! I take psyllium husk, it helps too :)

3y trước

Psyllium husk powder? How do u consume it? Just mix with water and drink?