Baby fair 2022

Hi everyone! My baby will due early July, will there be an upcoming baby fair? And oh I’m 17 weeks pregnant and I’m planning to start getting baby items in 24 weeks Since this is my first pregnancy, what are the essentials to get for a newborn? Take care mummies & daddies! #advicepls #firstbaby

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[Part 1] Cause babies outgrow EVERYTHING very fast, you have to consider things like: Where is your baby going to sleep? - wooden cot or foldable cot? - space constrain? - do you need foldable mattress? - do you need spring cot aka yaolan/buai? What kind of essentials do you want to give your baby? - milk bottles (anti-colic or not?) - diapers, toiletries, wet wipes (go for brand or economical?) - breastmilk storage (bags or bottles?) - nursing bras and nursing bra pads, nursing cover, nipple cream, electric pumps, manual pumps - diaper rash cream (desitin, sudocrem, drapolene) - nasal aspirator (go for manual) - yu yee oil / minyak telon - wash clothes (thick or thin? Small or big?) - will you be introducing pacifier? - what kind of stroller you plan on getting? Car seat stroller? Normal stroller? - do you need baby carrier?

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