Is my baby shoulder joint dislocated.

Every time when I lift my 6 months old baby from the crib I hear a crack at the shoulder joint. My baby is quite active and strong for his age. At times when he don't feel like sleeping he would pull his head to the back when I am carrying him and trying to put him to sleep. As I was carrying him while seated I usually hear crack too at the shoulder joint. I have checked with the doctor at the polyclinic and 2 doctors said no. My baby still uses his hands for scooting. Can anyone share their experiences?

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Super Mom

If baby can move around using his hands and without pain, his shoulder’s not dislocated:) There would also be an obvious deformity (like the arm hanging lose) if that were the case.. but if this problem persists and is worrying you, you may consider seeing a paediatric orthopaedic doctor?

Since your baby didn't show pain or discomfort, and 2 doctors said he is fine, then he should be alright. If you still worry, you may want to consider to seek your paediatrician's opinion to clear your mind. I know how you feel.😊

I hear a crack sometimes when I left my 5.5mo baby too. But she doesn't seem affected by it or show any sign of discomfort so I just leave it. I just try to be even gentler when handling her.

The baby's arm does not hang loose. I am just worried.

consult pd better if worried

Thành viên VIP

No pain should be fine.

consult your pd pls