Can't take RICE
Ever since i am pregnant, i can't seem to eat rice at all. Just no appetite to eat rice. Any suggestion on substitute to rice?

OMG same!!! When I was 5 weeks onwards I can’t smell rice cooking, the thought of rice makes me nauseated let alone eating it. I’m about 8w 5d now and it still hasn’t gone away BUT! I realised I can take Nasi Goreng, Nasi Arab, in very small quantity now. I still can’t take plain rice. It’s okay if you can’t take rice now, just make sure you eat something else (that you can stomach) throughout the day ok! I think soup was the best for me. Mee soto soup, Sup Kambing soup, any light brothy soup was much more tolerant than rice. Maybe can have Stuff’d with couscous, beef, etc. Subway, roti prata, egg masala thosei ummm yumm..... 😋 Good luck!!
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