Can't take RICE

Ever since i am pregnant, i can't seem to eat rice at all. Just no appetite to eat rice. Any suggestion on substitute to rice?

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Same for me, I just take whatever I am able to eat in small amounts.

Any carbo like potatoes, bread, pasta can easily substitute rice

Thành viên VIP

Maybe bread or crackers! I love salted crackers during pregnancy

Influencer của TAP

Same! Substituted with porridge, noodles, beehoon, etc.

Thành viên VIP

If all else fails, there is always pregnancy milk

Maybe also Toufu, Baked potato , sweet potato

Any other carbs? Bread, potato, noodles?

Influencer của TAP

pasta varieties or potatoes variations ?

Influencer của TAP

Same I always take hot soup and ban mee

Prata.. naan, hashbrown, pasta, wraps