7 Replies

Super Mum

When you’re at 10cm, the midwives will give you instructions to push. When your contraction comes, take a quick deep breath and push very hard for 10 seconds, then take another quick deep breath and push again for 10 seconds. For each contraction, you usually do 3-4 cycles of taking quick breaths and pushing. During the intervals, take a sip of water and rest. The interval only lasts about a minute. When pushing, try to focus all your energy into the pushes so they will be stronger. I learnt that if I didn’t waste energy screaming or even making “urgghhh” sounds, the pushes were more effective. Haha.

Awesome thank you educating me. Will remember this

If i rmmbr correctly it is during contractions. I think when the pain comes(contractions), the midwife nurse will ask me to push for 6 counts and then rest. You are not advised to push if you dont feel the contraction to avoid more tear or to save energy or what i forgot. All the best! Most importantly stay calm and let your body do it's job.

Great thank you for educating me🤗

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You may find this article helpful https://www.babycenter.com/0_how-to-push-should-your-body-be-your-guide_1745336.bc

VIP Member

I push when the midwife told me to

VIP Member

The nurse will guide you...

Midwife will cue u


Nurse will guide

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