Do u stay indoors full 28days, during confinement?

During confinement, do you stay indoors for full 28days ?

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Only visited Gynae for review and Polyclinic for newborn’s jabs(including jaundice checkup, other than that will stay home.

Super Mom

Impossible. Have to bring baby for check-ups and injections. Unless you don't go and get someone else to do it.

Thành viên VIP

Impossible to stay home for full 28 days cos still had to go gynae appointment, no one can go on my behalf lol

Nope! Went out for gynae appointment, baby jaundice check ups n sneak out for a walk with hubby 1 night 😛

Thành viên VIP

Still had to go for review with gynae and also baby's jab etc... Other than that indoors most of the time (:

6y trước


I went out for my postnatal checkup and newborn jaundice checks. Just make sure to cover urself well

Super Mom

No I didn't. I brought baby check up and did go out for short walks at the rooftop garden of my blk.

Hi, Not necessary. Just make sure that you get fresh air as that is also very important

Influencer của TAP

Just out for baby appointment. Other than tat, stay home till end of confinement.

Thành viên VIP

Not able to. Cause new born baby need to go check up and injection