Guilty not breast feeding
Doing pumping and still have to supplement w formula milk. Guilty.

Don't be. I'm a low supply mum as well, and I understand the pressure. Fed is best. My baby is mostly formula fed, but I still express and bottle feed whatever breastmilk I have. I stopped latching her 4 days after discharge, since her lips were peeling and she was constantly crying from frustration and hunger. She drinks 110ml per feed at 3 weeks old, but I only produce around 30ml total per pump session. My baby is now 4.4kg at 3 weeks old and growing well. You've done a lot for your baby in the 9 months of pregnancy. There's no need to feel guilty, since baby is fed and well.
Read moreBefore i gave birth i was so excited to BF my first newborn child. But.. it didn’t turn out that way. I BF for 2 weeks only because i am hating all the extra waking up just for pumping when i could actually sleep. I got engorgement everyday... fever..!I just hate it. so i immediately stop breastfeeding. He is still healthy one chubby little one. & i don’t regret my decision.
Read moreI wanted to fully BF my child but in the end caved to FM to top up and help me when I'm really tired. I felt guilty too but guess what? the extra sleep(!!!) I got when hubby can help feed baby and the ease I get when I can bottle feed when we're outside weighs out ALLLL the guilt. as long as baby is healthy, you're doing great!
Read morepls dun feel guilty. was in the same shoes as you. I tried all ways to increase: lactation tea, cookies, oats, papaya soup, pumped every 2hrs even. only didn't resort to medication thou polyclinic doctor prescribed me. agree with other mums: fed is best, dun matter formula or BM. now my boy is 16mths & healthy 10kg 😊
Read morePumping is such hard work. And the commitment is tremendous. I’m really proud of you! Supplementing with formula is perfectly fine too. As long as baby’s healthy and growing strong, breast/formula milk is great! Whoever makes you feel guilty.. stay away from them. Or ask them to contribute.
Mummy, it's ok! I have always been a low supply mum. I formula fed all my children. My youngest is 9. They are fit and healthy till today and never asked me if I bm or fm them. Never once blamed me. It's ok. They will understand. Fm or bm, you are still a good mum.
am in the same situation. have to supplement with FM as my supply is not enough. my boy is 11wks now n am gaining healthy weight. i feel guilty at times but i rather not get too stressed abt it.
I wanted to fully bf too .. but I got the methods wrongly at first , as a ftm and got engorgement and fever . But then Im still fine that baby turn out to be as healthy and chubby too .
don't have to feel guilty. you gave your baby life which the greatest gift of all. if you just delivered, milk will gradually increased over timely DL or pumps.
Hi, Please don't feel guilty about this as being a mum is much more than this and you will always try your level best